Requirements to a Company Legal Name in Moldova
Before registering a company in Moldova, an entrepreneur must choose a name for his company, for which he will need some knowledge of the provisions of the law governing the requirements for the name of a legal entity.
According to the law, a legal entity may participate in legal relationships only under its own name, established by the founding document and registered properly. The Company is entitled use its name from the moment of registration.
Choice of Company Name.
In fact, the founders of the company have the right to choose any desired name for the company, provided that it will contain, in Moldovan language, an indication of its organizational-legal form and will meet the following conditions:
• The chosen name will not coincide with the name of another, previously registered legal entity.
• The chosen name will not contain the words and phrases that are contrary to the provisions of the law or rules of morality, as well as proper names, if they do not coincide with the names of participants in company creation and if you have not the consent of the person or his heirs to the use his name.
• The chosen name will not contain words or abbreviations that may be misleading as to the legal form of company.
If the name of the Company will contain the official name of the State or its administrative territorial unit, the name shall be registered only if such use will be permitted on terms and conditions established by law.
A person, who uses the name of another legal entity, is obligated at the request of the right holder to stop using the name and to repair the damage.
Company name reservation.
Name of legal entity may be reserved at the request of the founder, for a period of up to six months, by the state registration body.
Changing a company name.
At will, company name can be changed, but the legal entity is obliged, within 30 days, to require from the State registration body to introduce the appropriate entry in the State Register.
Name of legal entity, deleted from the state registry can be used by another person after the expiration of two years from deletion.
The above is intended to provide a brief guide only. It is essential that appropriate professional advice is obtained. Our office will be glad to assist you in this respect. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Written by : Law Office Viorel Furtuna
Call Us: +3736988884
January 22, 2025
January 22, 2025